Sunday, August 5, 2007

Customer Service Rocks! XD

I usually dedicate my weekends to anything but making new clothes. And this weekend I rolled out a new gift vendor system and customer service "awareness." So far the gift vendor system has been a success. With the customer service awareness I wanted to make a poster that told people "Hey! she's cool & nice! I can talk to her!" so people wouldn't shrug an issue with a purchase of mine off and just end up not coming back. That would be the worst type of customer for anyone I think, if they have a problem and instead of telling you they just never shop at your place again. ;) So here's the poster, it's up in my main shop in Boracay Island.

Anywho, it's Sunday! Which means family day, well for me anyways. Have a good rest of the weekend everyone! ^__~
Cherry Tokyo

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