Sunday, November 18, 2007

Rezday <3

So my friends threw me a suprise rez day party yesterday. I was completely taken aback by the creativity of it all I had to share some photos :3
You can catch the rest of the photos at Lux's Flickr page. :)

LOL! XD Thank you Lux Yao, Emme Mannonen, Phoenix Chapman and Nexeus Fatale for putting this together I nub you guys! XD Thank you everyone who came! It was so much fun and will be the most memorable moment for me in Second Life :) Especially the herd of dancing tinies! XD


Unknown said...

I took some pics too. :P

You can see them in my flickr page:

Emme Mannonen said...

Yay Cherry! Happy Rez Day! I'm glad it was fun for you, and even though it wasn't a surprise, I'm SOO happy we got what you liked.